What is the Stripe Charge?

For Easy Payments Plus account holders who are registered with Stripe, the Stripe Charge column will appear in your Payment Reports. In this example, we will examine a Card Lodgements Report.


On the 17/04/2019, a client has paid €50.00 (Total Paid) to purchase a fee item. The Stripe charge is taken at source at a rate of 1.4% + 25c + VAT(23%). In this example, the Stripe charge is deducted from the Total Paid & Administration Fee combined, i.e.€50 + €0= €50. Hence, the Stripe charge is calculated as follows:

Total Paid            €50.00
Stripe 1.4%         €00.70
Stripe Extra         €00.25
Stripe VAT 23%   €00.22

Total Stripe Charge €1.17

Total Paid       €50.00
Stripe Charge   €1.17

Total Banked €48.83

  • The Total Banked is the amount which will be added to your bank account.

  • The EPP charge will be separately invoiced to you at the end of the month.