How to View a Card/Retail Lodgement Report

This report can be used to view a variety of details regarding card lodgements.

Step 1: Click Payment Reports and select Card/Retail Lodgements in the drop-down selection menu.

Step 2:

(I) You can view the details for a set period of time. Click Change Dates and set the conditions as appropriate. 

(II) You will have 3 viewing options. These are displayed to the right of each of the lodgement dates and at the bottom of your screen. 

The 3 options include the following:

The total banked amount for Detail Reports may be slightly less than the actual banked due to rounding. The actual banked amount is on the first page of this report.


Select this option to view further details on individual payments.

Summary By Fee Type (Income Type)

Select this option to view the report according to the fee type, e.g. School Trips.

Summary By Fee Name

Select this option to view the report according to the fee name, e.g. TY trip to Art Gallery.

Step 3: Click Monthly to view the lodgement summary for each month. You can also view this report, as described above, by:

  • Lodgements
  • Summary by Fee Type
  • Summary by Fee Name

Hover over the column headings for further definitions & details.

When generating these reports, you have the option to:

  • Print
  • Export to Excel
  • Export to CSV

Simply click these buttons for the appropriate report