How to transfer a payment to an alternative fee or family member

This facility is used in cases where errors are made during the payment process. For example, if the parent pays for the incorrect fee or if the incorrect child was selected as the attendee of a fee.

Using this facility, administrators can transfer pupils/members from the fee they paid for to another fee. The pupil’s/member's name can also be changed to another sibling’s name.

  • Change the dates to required period (if necessary).
  • Select the fee name for which the pupil/member has paid.
  • Select the pupil/member in question.
  • You can either change the name of the pupil/member or Select to transfer to a new fee.


Step-by-step guide

  1. From the Payments Reports drop down menu select Payment Transfer and then select the fee that has already been paid for from the Fee Name list. Click 'Select' to transfer to a different class/fee or click 'Change Name' to transfer payment for fee to a different family member.  


2. When you transfer to a new fee, if there is a discrepancy between the old and new fee amounts, then the system will ask you to either ignore or record this discrepancy. Recording the amount will be posted against the relevant end user's account as owing or in credit.