How to Total Cash & Cheques Before Lodging

Follow the steps below to reconcile your bank statements with the system's reports:

Step 1: From the payment report’s menu, select the All Cash/Cheque report.

Step 2: Click Total Cash/Cheques and enter the Lodgement Reference Number. Click Lodge to record the reference number and the amount.

If the 'Banked Date' is blank, this means that this amount has yet to be lodged to your bank account and should be on hand.

Example: As displayed in the first row, Colin Anderson has payed €10 in cash. However, unlike the previous payments recorded, there is no banked date. The administrator will have to lodge this amount to their bank account and record the lodgement reference number. 

What is the 'All Cash/Cheque Report' used for?

If your organisation uses EasyPaymentsPlus to record cash and cheque payments, this report can be used to reconcile bank statements.

Click Change Dates if you wish to reconcile payments over a specific period or specific month.

The total amount of cash and cheques which have yet to be banked will be displayed on left-hand side of your screen in orange as Total Cash/Cheque Not Yet Banked.