Data Retention

Data Retention

Payzone will retain personal data in accordance with the instructions of the Client Organisation and in accordance with legal requirements for retention of data.

In the absence of such an instruction regarding data retention from the Client Organisation, Payzone will impose the following default data retention policy on this data:

** Customer Accounts will be retained for two years after the last transaction on the account

** Transaction data for Schools (not including personal data) will be retained for 8 years.

** Transaction data for all other organisations (not including personal data) will be retained for 6 years.

The above is configured on your EPP account under Profile / Update Profile / Configuration

Scroll down to this section:

If you require, you can extend the years for both Account Retention and Transaction Retention on your account and Save change by Clicking Update.

PLEASE NOTE that we run this data deletion monthly as a part of the policy. This will have an effect on your reports.

In class reports, the deleted students won’t be listed, so you may have some students missing in the classes if there were no payments made by them in the past 2 years.

In payment reports – Transactions will be held for reporting for the Revenue mandated period of 6 or 8 years (unless increased by the organisation under the Profile page / Configuration / Transaction Retention (Years) section.

IMPORTANT!!! Even if the account is deleted from the system but there were some payments made by a particular family within the Transaction Retention period set on your Profile, the payment records will remain, however limited information will be available. You will be able to see the following: date of payment, receipt number and amount paid but no name against the payment.

When the account is deleted on the system, you will not find it when you Search for a particular client’s name.