What does receipt number 0 or Pre-Payment mean?
In the Failed/Deleted Payment Report, some payments may be displayed with a Receipt Number of 0 and titled Prepayment.
This means that the client's payment wasn't processed for a number of possible reasons as listed below.
- The client didn't complete the payment process as e.g. it was at an inconvenient time.
- During the payment process, the client was routed to their 3D Secure server. However, they didn't enter the correct password.
- During the payment process, the client was unable to connect to their 3D Secure server successfully. This could be due to a poor WiFi connection, a local network issue or a failure of the 3D Secure server.
For further information on 3D Secure, visit http://support.easypaymentsplus.com/payments/payment-security/what-is-3d-secure%253F/
Exclusive Pay (2019)
Exclusive Pay, (2019), How 3D Secure Works [ONLINE]. Available at: https://exclusivepay.wordpress.com/2015/03/31/what-is-3d-secure-who-needs-3d-secure/ [Accessed 24 April 2019].
What is 3D Secure?
3D Secure (3-Domain Secure) is a method of payer authentication which helps to prevent fraud in online credit and debit transactions.