What does receipt number 0 or Pre-Payment mean?

In the Failed/Deleted Payment Report, some payments may be displayed with a Receipt Number of 0 and titled Prepayment.


This means that the client's payment wasn't processed for a number of possible reasons as listed below.

  1. The client didn't complete the payment process as e.g. it was at an inconvenient time.
  2. During the payment process, the client was routed to their 3D Secure server. However, they didn't enter the correct password.
  3. During the payment process, the client was unable to connect to their 3D Secure server successfully. This could be due to a poor WiFi connection, a local network issue or a failure of the 3D Secure server.

For further information on 3D Secure, visit http://support.easypaymentsplus.com/payments/payment-security/what-is-3d-secure%253F/

Related image

Exclusive Pay (2019)

Exclusive Pay, (2019), How 3D Secure Works [ONLINE]. Available at: https://exclusivepay.wordpress.com/2015/03/31/what-is-3d-secure-who-needs-3d-secure/ [Accessed 24 April 2019].

What is 3D Secure?

3D Secure (3-Domain Secure) is a method of payer authentication which helps to prevent fraud in online credit and debit transactions.