Guide for Year-End Membership Rollover for Clubs

Easy Payments Plus provides a facility to all clubs for their yearly membership rollover. Using this facility, you can effectively capture all members who have paid for their membership for the current year. We would highly recommend that all clubs avail of this. The process is simple and works as follows:

  • At the start of each membership year the status of all members is manually switched to Inactive (I).
  • Then, when each member pays for their membership, their status is automatically switched to Active (A).
  • Therefore, all Active members are paid members. You do not need to search to see if a member has paid – once they are active they are a fully paid member of the club.
  • All Inactive members will still be recorded on your client database.

Step 1: Make all members "Inactive" 

(I) Click Members and select Statistics from the drop-down options.

(II) Click on Select on all members with a status of A- Active.

(III) Click Make all Inactive. This will switch the status of all listed members to I-Inactive.

Step 2: Configure Your Profile

(I) Click Profile and select Update Profile from the drop-down options.

(II) Click on the section Configuration.

(III) Scroll down and check that the heading Make Active if Paid is switched to Y.

Step 3: Configure Your Membership Fees

(I) Click Fees and select Maintain Fees. If this is a new fee, click Fees and select Define New Fee.

(II) Scroll down to the first section, General Fee Information.

(III) Switch the heading Make Active if Paid to Yes.

Configure this in the fee definition for all membership fees. Do not include non-membership fees such as camps, coaching, etc.

Repeat the steps above for all your annual membership fees. However, ensure that the Make Active if Paid setting is switched to No for all other non-membership fees.