Clients Owing Money

This report shows all clients who owe your organisation money.

Where can I find this report?

1. Please hover over the ‘Members’ tab and select ‘owing money’

Why do clients show on this list?

Generally, it relates to the following:

  • Clients who have received a payment request and have not yet paid it
  • Clients who you have accepted a part-payment from and they have not yet paid the outstanding balance.

You have the following functions within this report:

  • Print report
  • Change dates: if you want to view this report for a certain period, you can set the dates
  • Change sort order: if you want to view this report in alphabetical order by surname or date
  • You can export the displayed report to an excel/CSV file

Click on ‘select’ to manage an amount owing (e.g., accept the amount owing or accept a ‘no-payment’ for the amount owing)

How do I clear down an owing amount?

Select the payment type ‘no payment’ and this will clear this owed amount for you.